
CLL-CA Working For You!

Jason Browne has been very active in promoting sensible cannabis and hemp policies where he currently resides. He served on Tehama County’s Hemp Cultivation Committee and helped to draft it’s current Hemp Ordinance in 2020. He also assisted the City of Red Bluff’s Commercial Cannabis Committee with drafting language for its upcoming Commercial Cannabis Ordinance, and is continuing to assist the City Council as they draw closer to completing a final draft. […]


COVID 19 Update

We hope you’re all staying safe and practicing your social distancing. During this time of global strife, we are very pleased to share the news that California considers the Cannabis Industry to be an essential public service. […]

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Tehama County Cannabis Regulations

Just a blurb from Tehama County Cannabis regulations – for those of you who may not be aware that there are prohibitionist counties in California. There are far more regulations, but this gives the uninitiated […]


The Cannabis Liberation League-CA Welcomes You to Our Blog

The Cannabis Liberation League-CA continues the fight for what is right and is created as a reiteration of the California Liberty Alliance. We are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to protect and defend the property rights’ of qualified individuals, organizations and businesses within California; to protect and defend the privacy rights’ of qualified individuals, organizations and businesses within California; to protect and defend the medical rights’ of qualified individuals domiciled within California, and; In furtherance of these ends, to engage in all forms of educational, legal and political action that are in accordance with State and Federal laws.